AG Letters No. 4

Country Living June 2020


I wanted to share a little behind the scenes info about the photos and the story behind Country Living’s June issue. All of the photos were originally shot for Sunset Magazine (more on that later) in December of 2018. That year, we waited to put up all our Christmas decor and we slept at my in-laws the night before the shoot to make sure our home was magazine ready. The honest truth is I threw everything in my garage and kept only the things I love in my house. It is how I imagine an empty nester’s home to look (ha!). 

I sent the boys to school the morning of the photoshoot because we would be working all day and I knew the magical kid photos would only last a few minutes. Tom Story, the photographer, Chantal Lamars, the writer and editor, Ross, my team, and I had the sweetest day together. We played records, told stories, got take-out and photographed every nook and cranny. I was able to display all my favorite pieces, scattering them throughout our home. My favorite tea set, antlers from an adventure, an old photo of my grandma, my boys’ handmade pottery, old jugs and jars, French block soap…all the little things that tell our story.

Chantal and I have become friends since and thanks to her, this photoshoot has a second life. A couple months ago she called and said “I think Country Living is interested in buying the story from Sunset Magazine.” What? First of all I had no idea that that kind of thing happened and second I was so thrilled that the photos and story could be used again. Last week I received an email from Country Living’s editor, “There is a bit of a cover surprise…YOU!” I made a very loud and scary whale noise. It never even crossed my mind that it could happen.

I feel truly humbled that Country Living would choose to run my story let alone put me on the cover. What a special honor. I can’t wait for you to receive your own copy and hope it lifts your spirits, too. 

Thank you for reading along.


